Student Expectations




Grade 9 - full timetable

Grade 10 - full timetable

Grade 11 - minimum of nine credits

Grade 12 - minimum of eight credits



Student timetable changes must be arranged through the office and the guidance team.  A transfer from one course to another, or the addition of a class to a student’s original selection, is possible only if the timetable permits it and if the request is made a timely fashion.  Students who wish to repeat classes will be given an opportunity to do so in summer school or the following school year. Circumstances may warrant timetable changes; however, these are limited in number.

To discontinue a subject, a student must complete and submit the appropriate form (available at the office), including their request, the parent’s written permission and the subject teacher’s acknowledgement.  The student’s original timetable remains in effect pending the approval of the change.


Students are encouraged to take as many courses possible.  Students who have spares/unassigned time will be expected to go to an assigned location during their spares (library) this year, or they have the option to go home.  Students may also use this time to seek assistance from available teachers. 



All students are to be completely equipped for each gym period.  Grade 9 uniforms will be available from the P.E. Office (black shorts, tops).  Acceptable running shoes must be worn.  It is recommended that each student take a shower after a gym period. All personal articles (coats, boots, etc.) must be kept in the student’s hall locker and NOT in a gymnasium locker.  After changing into their gym outfits, students must ensure that their own personal clothing is locked in a gymnasium locker, and removed at the end of class. Students may use the gym before school, at noon or after school if in proper dress and under teacher supervision.  Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.



Regina Public School Division values the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). As a result, we provide shared devices that are available to all students enrolled in our school.

The following statements are a guide for you in your use of Information and Communications Technology

  •   Students will use all school equipment in an appropriate way that supports their learning.
  •   Students will use social media in an appropriate and positive way.
  •   Students will use only school provided user accounts when using school equipment.
  •   Students will use school provided devices in a way that does not modify or harm those devices.
  •   Students will use web-based services and applications in a way that supports their learning.
  •   Students will always follow and respect current Canadian copyright laws.


Important: Inappropriate use of Information and Communications Technology by our students will result in appropriate consequences by School Administration acting in accordance with The Saskatchewan Education Act.


Electronic devices – As per the Saskatchewan Ministry of Educations’ new policy, iPads, cell phones, personal laptops & tablets, etc. are not allowed to be used at school during class time. Students will be asked politely by staff members to put their phones away during class time. Students who do not comply may have their cell phone confiscated by the teacher or the office, and a parent/guardian may be asked to pick the phone up from the office. Repeat offences may result in escalating discipline.

Additionally, students are not permitted to photograph, take video, or record students/teachers at any time without their permission.


• Parents/caregivers are strongly encouraged not to visit the school and instead to use the phone or email to contact teachers or the main office.

• Signage will be on the front door of the school that includes a QR code for visitors to scan (which will be used for contact tracing) and advising that anyone who is feeling unwell should not enter the building at all. 

• If a guest or visitor absolutely must come in, they will be required to book an appointment and will be required to sanitize their hands, wear a mask, and register at the office. 


Hallway lockers are available to students though their advisory teachers.  It is recommended that students do not share lockers. Gym lockers will be made available to students taking courses that require students to change their clothing.  If required, students will be supplied locks and the cost will be added to the student’s fees.  Students are reminded that lockers are school property and are subject to search given reasonable grounds.


Students are allowed to park in the Northeast parking lot, and along the north alley, on a first come first serve basis.  Students who abuse this privilege by driving erratically may be issued a traffic ticket by our Resource Officer or be asked to temporarily or permanently park elsewhere.  Students who park outside the designated area may have their vehicle towed.

For the safety of our students, teachers and visitors, please do not drop students off in the staff parking lots on the North and East sides.


Students are expected to comply with the dress code.  Students wearing inappropriate clothing that promotes the use of drugs, alcohol, offensive language, or any revealing, unsuitable attire, will be asked to change.  Also, any clothing accessories that may be a threat to student safety are not allowed. Students are allowed to wear hats, except during formal assemblies.


Noted disrespect by a student toward a staff member will require a consultation between the teacher and Principal or Vice-Principal regarding the circumstance.  Also discussed will be the intervention strategy necessary for resolution, or whether the student will be suspended.


Staff will correct students who use profane language. If the profanity still persists, a meeting with the parent/guardian will be arranged. Racist and homophobic language will NOT be tolerated in any capacity.



It is illegal to smoke on school property. E-cigarettes and Vapes will be treated the same way as regular cigarettes. Students caught smoking may be suspended or referred to the School Resource Officer, who may decide to impose a fine.  If the smoking behaviour continues, a formal meeting with the parents/guardians will be arranged.



Students possessing or selling drugs/alcohol, possessing paraphernalia, exhibiting behaviors, or having the odor of illegal drugs/alcohol, will be referred to the Office.  Both the student and the student’s locker will be searched by the Principal or designate.  If a drug/alcohol issue is confirmed, the student’s parent/guardian will be informed of the issue and consequence, and the student may be suspended and be re-admitted through Guidance. (See next section)

Any student caught in possession of drugs/alcohol will also be referred to the School Resource Officer, who will determine if criminal charges are to be laid.  Students charged by the Regina City Police will be under review in regard to their eligibility to remain at Thom Collegiate.